
Document Management is about people, not documents.

We’ve been in the document business a long time. A really long time. While it’s true that IT staff often view documents as bits and bytes to be stored, archived, recovered, indexed and searched, (all very important things!), it’s our experience that … Read More

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Find it quickly and accurately!

The clock was ticking. Like many parents, I was up against the clock as I prepared dinner for my family.  The night before, we had feasted on grilled pork tenderloin and had enough left to serve an entire second meal; … Read More

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Information Governance and Migration

I started dabbling with personal computers in the mid 80’s . I had worked with terminals on a mainframe, but the idea of having my own machine with storage was amazing to me. I started with an Atari 520ST…an amazing … Read More

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Migrating documents? Plan with the long view in mind.

When I was 8 years old, my parents decided it was time for me to take piano lessons. I grew up in a musical family, and they recognized that I probably had enough talent to make it worth the investment. … Read More

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